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Are you ready for changes in the regulation of care and support for Children and Young People?

EHP Consultancy

Portfolio for legislative and regulatory compliance, commercial knowledge, operational and strategic

governance & management in children's social care UK

Are you ready for changes in the regulation of care and support? The New Regulated


Government reforms mean that by September 2023, residential settings that deliver care and

accommodation entirely or mainly for children must have registered as a children’s home where

the existing Ofsted requirements would apply, i.e. the Social Care Common Inspection Framework

and Quality Standards. For those settings which are delivering support, as opposed to care,

providers will need to engage with new mandatory National Standards and also register with

Ofsted by September 2023 as offering supported accommodation for young people.

EHP Children’s Homes Consultancy can support you through the process in the conversion of an

unregulated home to an Ofsted-regulated children’s home or supported accommodation for

young people.

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